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Standards Publications

IRENA has created a catalog of various reports in the field of renewable energy standards. Use the search criteria on the left to filter through the search results.

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Scaling up Variable Renewable Power: The Role of Grid Codes
IRENA’s report provides guidance for countries with ambitious VRE targets to develop grid codes that assure power system security. The report offers revealing case studies from several countries, including: Barbados, Ireland, Germany, among others.
Author: IRENA | Year of publication: 2016 | URL: Get the report
White Paper - Microgrids for disaster preparedness and recovery with electricity continuity plans and systems
This White Paper, by the IEC MSB (Market Strategy Board), considers preparation for and recovery from major electricity outages, with a focus on customer-side measures. It examines how disaster preparedness and postdisaster recovery may benefit from standards and the design of plans for coordinated activity.
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) | Year of publication: 2014 | URL: Get the report
Using and referencing ISO and IEC standards to support public policy
This document describes the advantages and benefits of using ISO and IEC International Standards to support policy initiatives, including referencing International Standards in legislation or regulation, as well as using them to support other kinds of public policy decisions or actions. It includes detail on methods of referencing and many examples.
Author: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) & International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) | Year of publication: 2014 | URL: Get the report
International Standardisation in the Field of Renewable Energy
Renewable energy standards, regularly reviewed and updated by international committees of technical experts, can help policy makers as an instrument to demonstrate national regulatory compliance, as well as ensuring successful deployment of renewable energy technologies. IRENA’s study, identifies over 570 standards in the current RET landscape, yet finds gaps in the existing standards, particularly for post-installation aspects of RET.
Author: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) | Year of publication: 2013 | URL: Get the report
Grid Integration of Large-capacity Renewable Energy Sources and Use of Large-Capacity Electrical Energy Storage
This White Paper, by the IEC MSB (Market Strategy Board), analyzes the role of large-capacity EES (Electrical Energy Storage) to integrate large-capacity RE (Renewable Energy) sources. The papers primary goal is to provide a global view on the state of the art and future directions for grid integration of large-capacity RE sources and the application of large-capacity EES for that purpose.
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) | Year of publication: 2012 | URL: Get the report
Electrical Energy Storage
This White Paper, by the IEC MSB (Market Strategy Board), analyzes the role of energy storage in electricity use and identifies all available technologies. It summarizes present and future market needs for EES (Electrical Energy Storage) technologies, reviews their technological features, and finally presents recommendations for all EES stakeholders. Its role is also to provide market guidance for the work of the IEC in support of this industry.
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) | Year of publication: 2011 | URL: Get the report
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